Booking #: 47046
Age: 23
Gender: M
Race: B
Address: COOSADA, AL
Arresting Agency: ELMORE CO SO - AL0290000
Possession of Marijuana 1st
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Attempt to Elude
Probation Violation
Probation Violation
Possession of Marijuana 2nd
Possession of Marijuana 1st
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Attempt to Elude
Probation Violation
Probation Violation
Possession of Marijuana 2nd
Bond: 22,000.00
Note: The charges and bail amounts may change after court appearances and may not be current. Bond companies and persons wishing to post bail should contact the Detention Center staff at 334-567-5441 for correct bail amount, charges and case numbers.